Adam Ashouri here,
Seeing that my other two colleagues have posted in here, I believe it is time for me to follow suit.
It seems like that the day we got the email telling us that we have been accepted to be a part of this amazing journey this summer was last week, when in actuality it was over a month ago. Its funny how time flies. Now that we are less than 3 weeks away from flying out, its time for us to get serious about what we need to do to become prepared. I know i speak for all of us when i say that we are very appreciative of Professor Benhart and the weekly meetings letting us know where we are in the process and what we need to do to be ready.
I look forward to posting more in this blog and being able to get to know all of the other guys we are going with on the trip better. I also look forward to sharing our experiences with all of our followers through this blog. Stay tuned for more!
Seeing that my other two colleagues have posted in here, I believe it is time for me to follow suit.
It seems like that the day we got the email telling us that we have been accepted to be a part of this amazing journey this summer was last week, when in actuality it was over a month ago. Its funny how time flies. Now that we are less than 3 weeks away from flying out, its time for us to get serious about what we need to do to become prepared. I know i speak for all of us when i say that we are very appreciative of Professor Benhart and the weekly meetings letting us know where we are in the process and what we need to do to be ready.
I look forward to posting more in this blog and being able to get to know all of the other guys we are going with on the trip better. I also look forward to sharing our experiences with all of our followers through this blog. Stay tuned for more!