Tuesday, July 17, 2012


The Saudi Arabia study abroad trip was life changing.  I am now working with The Walsh Group in Chicago doing demolition on the Cline Avenue Bridge.  I am having a blast (literally), but I can't stop my mind from wondering back to Saudi Arabia. Since my return, I have told all my friends about our adventures.  They also think that they would like to go see what Saudi Arabia is like. I would like to thank everyone that helped the Saudi program happen. Words can not express my gratitude.

In Dubai and leaving for home 7-6-12

We have now been in Dubai for about 2 days and we have seen a couple of the world’s biggest malls and some of the world’s finest hotels. We went to the world’s tallest building and looked down upon Dubai as if we were God overseeing the city.  We were able to go to the beach in the middle of all this fun and wouldn’t you know it the ocean was hotter than bath water.  I am sure we were sweating in the water, which reminds me that this is the hottest climate I have been in yet.  The humidity is like Indiana’s hitting 100% and heat like Arizona around 110 F. I would walk down a sidewalk and after about 50 feet I would have a layer of sweat.
 Right now we are traveling back to the states. So far it has been good…. besides waiting in this terminal for 3 hours waiting to board our flight at 2 a.m.  Our desire to get back home and see our family drives us at this point and we shall not falter.  If I am correct, it is about 5 hours to Frankfurt and another 9 hours to Chicago.