Tuesday, May 15, 2012

day 1 in Saudi- mike

      As we made our minivan drive from Lafayette to O’Hare airport in Chicago my mind began to wonder about the journey ahead. My first journey would be the 15 hours of air plane travel. I have to admit I fell asleep before takeoff to Frankfurt Germany. When I woke up I looked out the window and saw an Island below me.  I thought “could that be Ireland or some Island just off the European cost? We are so close” I thought. But I couldn’t have been more wrong.  I looked at the flight kiosk to find that we had only traveled for an hour and we were over the east coast of North America! I had seven hours left to sit with my knees pressing the seat in front of me and my head bobbling around as I tried to sleep.  However, our transfer flight was a given from heaven! From Frankfurt to Riyadh our airplane had booked only ¼ of the seats with people.  So, Adam, Nazir, Matt, and myself laid down over the middle rows of the plain (5 seats) It was fantastic.  To conclude, we arrived in Riyadh at about dinner time (noon time at home). An FTR driver transported us to our apartment that is amazing and then FTR took us out to dinner in an authentic native restaurant.

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