Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Taking Off the Training Wheels

Professor Benhart has gone back to the states and now we're officially on our own! Yesterday was our first day without Professor Benhart, and we could definitely tell there was something missing. We had gotten used to Professor Benhart keeping us on schedule and giving us directions on what to do next.

For example, for the past week and a half, when Professor Benhart would come into our apartment, it meant that it was time to go. Now that Professor Benhart is gone, we actually have to keep track of our schedule by ourselves! Yesterday, we made poor Sunil (our driver) wait outside for 10 minutes before we realized he was outside. Sorry Sunil...

Also, now we have to arrange our rides by ourselves. Usually Professor Benhart would take care of everything while we just wait for his instructions. Yesterday, after all the lectures were completed, we were sitting in the FTR office waiting for someone to tell us it was time to leave. We sat there and talked for over half an hour before I went out to investigate. I found Sunil conversing with the Tea Boys and apparently nobody had told him we were waiting for a ride. Ooops!

After dinner last night at Outback Steakhouse.
I think we were all caught off guard when Professor Benhart left. We didn't realize how much was doing for us, but we are beginning to appreciate it now. Thanks Professor Benhart for helping us out, but now it's time for us to take care of ourselves.

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